Galiano Community Daycare—a place to play and learn.

Our licensed multi-age daycare is open year-round. We run a small classroom for up to eight children with a strong nature-based program.

“I have had the pleasure of ending my 38-year ECE career with Galiano Community Daycare: A responsive program located under an enchanted cedar, serving a vibrant community. The program starts with valued relationships, and the fostering of social emotional skills, and then adds a daily connection to nature and a supportive team - it all affirms my conviction that quality daycare supports a strong healthy community on this gem of an island.”
— Jo Scott, ECE Educator/Program manager

What is it?

Galiano Community Daycare offers a play-based program that is almost entirely outdoors, with access to the nearby forest, playground, community greenhouse and school garden. Our experienced and passionate staff strive to empower children by building skills to care for themselves and each other through an emergent, child-centred approach. Our program is led by a licensed Early Childhood Educator.


Who is it for?

Galiano Daycare welcomes children aged 18 months to age 5.

Eligible families can access the BC government’s Affordable Child Care Benefit for support with fees.


How to get started?

To inquire about our program and waitlist info:


@GalianoCommunityDaycare on Facebook