Playgroup - for our youngest Galianoites and the adults they love

Run by a dedicated group of volunteers, playgroup is here to help pre-schoolers and their friends and families have a place to play.


What is it?

Playgroup is a program aimed to provide activity and learning to our preschool population.

Playgroup runs “the Playspace” which is located in the basement of the South Community Hall. This space is open 24/7 and is an unfacilitated, drop in space accessible to all members. There are toys, books, art supplies and space to move around.

Playgroup also organizes various activities throughout the year such as Nature Buddies with the Galiano Conservancy, Run and Tumble in the school gym, art classes at Yellowhouse and more.


Who is it for?

Playgroup welcomes all people 0-5 years old and the adults in their lives.

Playgroup is as much about getting the kids together as it is the adults!


How to get started?

Please contact the Playgroup committee at for more information. See you soon!